Monday, March 9, 2009

Snap, snap, snap, & bla, bla, bla....for those who want to know!

Loads of pictures of my beautiful boy. We have had a very busy weekend. Steve's dad Larry and Steve's brother Sam visited from Colorado, so Zad got to meet his other grandpa and yes...his very own Uncle Sam. My mom, her sisters, and Grandma Frost came for a visit also. Zad met my Aunt Sheri all the way from Idaho who gave me the best gift of all, a night of solid sleep! Yes that's right she stayed last night and got up with him twice, we even wheeled the basinette into her room, I never heard a peep! And to top if off I awoke rested and found all of my clean clothes FOLDED, her bed made and everything around my house just tidied up! Even better Steve took him Saturday I got two solid nights in a row! Believe me I used my rested self to my fullest potential today, thank you Steve and Sheri!

Here's what we have been up to the last several weeks.

Zadok had his first visit to Dr. Jones and peed all over me when I stripped him for the scale! But he is so cute all I could do is laugh and kiss him.

I just love how alert he is becoming. Steve and I are able to calm him just by talking quietly to him. I know this may not seem like a big deal, but I take it as a sign that he is really getting to know who we are. Today he started to cry while we were out shopping for his bedding and he just quieted right down and fell asleep when I held him to me and told him what a loved boy he is. It really warmed my heart.

These pictures are so cute of Steve and Zad sleeping on the couch. Steve took the first month we had him off and so they took a lot of naps together. I really need to learn to nap rather than spend that time on the computer or trying to get things done.

I love that he sleeps with his hands next to his face.

One early morning I found a lovely little blow-out (it's when I knew we needed to stop using Newborn diapers and move to size one). Needless to say both Zad and I were a little upset. His whole little body was just rigid he was so upset. So I turned on the warm water for a bath in the sink, as soon as he was in, his little body just went floppy. It was so funny and so hard to give him a bath, I had to stop to take a pic.

Steve's Granny made Zad this warm blanket and two little hats. Thanks Granny!

This picture is just so sweet of him!

Jenny and Blake usually come for a visit once a week. Blake can't get enough of him, I can hardly wait to watch them play together.

This is my new favorite picture of him. I caught it right out of the shower one day. I had laid him down while a finished up and found this when I got out. He found his thumb! Sorry mom, I didn't yank it out, it was just too cute.

This is the new toy, or workout equipment, the Bumbo (thanks Sister Turnball)! Steve puts him in it everyday to get his neck strong. Zad usually lasts about ten minutes before he's had enough. I wish I was getting 10 minutes of a workout lately...I so miss it and need it! I know it's coming, I just need a little more sleep first.


Caleb and Jenni said...

Thanks for the pictures Ang! I saw Sheri on Monday afternoon and I was so jealous you all got to hang out this weekend. It sounds like everything is going well. Zad looks absolutely adorable and so alert! I can't wait to see him again! I hope everything is going well. Miss you, love you, and I will see you soon! :)

Lindsay said...

His eyes are so big! I love the pictures of him.:)

Melissa Zuber said...

Beautiful!! I am glad that everything is going so well. I am so happy for you!

Jen-ben said...

He's getting so BIG!!!

Ali said...

He is so beautiful and looks so old sitting up! It must be all that gorgeous black hair! Love the pictures. Glad you got some rest. Now get off the computer and take a nap!!! Everything else can wait.

I think I'll take my own advice...

Liz said...

that boy is oh so loved and oh so handsome

Norma said...

Oh Angie! He is so big and so gorgeous! I love the one of him sitting on the couch!

The Varo's said...

What a doll baby! He is getting so big. I love seeing pictures of him! Give him some kisses from me.

Crystal-lynn said...

So, SO cute! I love all the pictures, & the little stories that go with them. He looks great, & you all look so happy! Can't wait to meet Zad!