So I've been talking with a friend this week about the commandment to multiply and replenish the Earth, or in other words bear children. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder-Day Saints we are commanded to multiply and replenish the Earth with children.
The Family: A Proclamation to the World states, “The first commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and wife. We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force.” It goes on to say, "We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife."
I have always loved these statements addressed to the world. They were received by revelation from God to the the prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley, along with the 12 Apostles called for our day. The Proclamation was introduced just a month after Steve and I were married. Recently I have had an even deeper love for the Proclamation on the Family largely because it is one of the reasons Norma felt little Bubba needed to be placed for adoption. It's words have been sweet to me though I am sure they have been bitter at times to any woman facing a unplanned pregnancy. However, I believe in the truthfulness of these words. Now, I read it for inspiration, peace, and to help me make difficult decisions that sometimes taste bitter to me too.
I can understand how the command to multiply and replenish the Earth can be difficult to understand, cause people to feel uncomfortable, and even offended. It is a huge, life long commitment to have a child, one that I believe will take everything of a person when they are seeking the best for that child. But that is exactly what I believe the Lord expects of us, our everything in this life. Whether that is asked of us through our children or simply through our path in life even if we never marry, never have children, or any of the things we may have dreamed of. He still asks for everything, that is the only way we will be able to return to Him.
This is much the way I am feeling about adoption lately. It is asking of me everything I have to offer and much I do not feel I have. Often, when people find out we are adopting or even people who have known us all along will say something like, "You are so lucky not to have to go through pregnancy and labor," or "You get to have kids the easy way. Lucky you." While I do agree with them in part and am very grateful that my body is not the vessel they come through, I still labor in my own way. Only mine is a labor of the heart. I go through times of feeling my heart has great strength and other times I wonder if it is able to handle all that is asked of it.
Satan, I believe, is in many ways doing all he can to prevent children from coming to good families where they can be sealed to their parents. It is a concern that many are having, see this article.
I think for most couples, especially those that have been married in the temple, Satan works on them long before a child is even conceived. Many people worry about finances, education, where they are at in life, the spacing of children, the ages or personalities of the children they already have, or simply they decide to think about it for awhile and therefore put off what the Lord may have them do.
Now let me just say, before I get a bunch of hate mail or dirty looks from my friends at work or church that I do not in any way want to offend anyone or lead anyone to believe I think they should have more children or I think they are wrong for any of the decisions they make concerning children and their family. I strongly believe that those are only decisions that can be made as a couple with thoughtful prayer and that no one, especially me has the right to say what is right or wrong for anyone but myself.
I only bring this up to make the point that most couples I know seem to struggle with the when, how many, etc. of having children while in the adoption world we seem to struggle more with, "please let them just get here." When you have been sealed in the temple and you are expecting a child your worries over whether that child will have the benefits of an eternal family are I think (I have never been pregnant myself) pretty much over. I don't think many worry over that child being sealed to their family even if a miscarriage occurs or even, heaven forbid the child is not blessed with a body able to sustain life. However, this is all I can think about lately.
I want so desperately for this new little baby, planned, as for now to come to our family, just to make here to us so that we can have him sealed to us. I have even thought more recently, "I know I may be heart broken if he does not end up with us but as long as he goes to a family where he can be sealed, my heart will be at peace." I just want that for him so desperately lately...and it seems so difficult and such a long time away. I feel Satan is working so hard right now to keep this from happening. Just as he works on couples questioning and making the tough decisions as to the children they may have, he is working on us to discourage this adoption, from every side it seems.
I feel, more keenly it seems Satan's power against me whenever I am trying to do anything of an eternal nature. When Steve and I were engaged he worked so hard to keep us from the temple in so many ways. In ways I expected, like tempting us to cross the lines of chastity before be were married all the way to things I never expected like, Steve having a deer jump through his driver side window while driving to Arizona just 5 days before we were to be married.
Most recently, the time between receiving Z to the time we were able to take him to the temple to be sealed to us, Satan really worked us! Those 7 plus months were hard! To the point that at about 3 weeks leading up to his sealing, we cut off every bit of the outside world as possible. We turned off absolutely all TV (this is always more difficult for me than Steve), turned off the radio, didn't watch movies (except for Cars one night!), only listened to conference talks, church or classical music, and avoided people or conversations we knew would turn away the Spirit. We made every effort possible to make our home a sanctuary from the world, a place where we could relax and feel the Spirit without having to battle for every minute of peace. That effort proved to be very powerful and very effective. There was no in for Satan, we gave him no opportunity.
Even the morning of driving to the temple I felt anxious and recall 3 close accidents in the truck (I won't say who was driving :)). It was very stormy, rainy, and overcast and recall the feeling of a blanket being placed on us as we drove as though it just calmed us down and protected us. I was so grateful for that feeling.
So here we are again, battling for the eternal life of this little baby boy. Three plus months and counting, waiting anxiously for bambino #2 to arrive. Which brings on the battle of fighting every minute it seems at times, for peace to reign and our hearts to be at rest. Getting him here is the first battle or part of our labor which will lead to the second; the waiting of papers to be signed, attorneys to be notified, court dates to be decided, court dates to be attended, filing of papers to the state, papers to be filled out for the temple, and one big fat check to be signed. It's a battle I grow weary of at times (for several hours just today) and at other times I am ready with my sword to take down anything that may keep this precious child from getting what he deserves, an eternal family.
Months ago when our caseworker (which is how Hannah found us) asked me while we were out speaking on adoption at a community college if we were ready to have another baby come to us. Steve and I had just discussed this just the night before, we would keep our adoption certification current and in February when we could post our profile we would but may not actively start looking. We would take it slow and feel things out. But when she asked if we would be ready at a year, the words, "Yes, we can't wait to have another," just came out! I remember thinking they had come out of some other mouth but my own and I wanted to say, "What are you thinking? I don't think that!" But the moment was gone and I couldn't get those words out! When I came home and told Steve later that night he was able to get them out just fine. :)
We have prayed several times over whether this was the right child, right time, right situation for our family and for this baby. Each time we feel strongly, "yes, keep going, everything will work out, trust me, have faith." It's a feeling neither of us can deny even when times are hard.
If I had not actually got into this work and been called of God, I would back out. But I cannot back out: I have no doubt of the truth.
Joseph Smith, Jr.
Well said! You voiced rather eloquently so many of the things I've been thinking and feeling lately about children and eternal families.
Y'all and Hannah are in my prayers.
Insightful Post. You should be Young Woman's President and I'm not talking about the ward level, I'm thinking one of the big guns on the General Board. Yep I can see it now.
The Mom with the Big Heart who loves everyone!
I can't imagine what emotions you go through during the adoption process. IT must be totally overwhelming at times and I'm grateful to get some insight from your experiences. You are such a strong, driven woman. I am so impressed by all of your posts, your ideas and deep, spiritual thoughts. You like to flesh things out and get back to things of an eternal nature and your posts are always so uplifting! I love it. I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors with your future son. I may have to copy your idea about shutting the world out for a few weeks. I've got to gear up to do it with my kids. I think we need a worldly detox. Thanks for the idea!
Dear Angie-Surely the Lord loves you and knows what a safe place your home would be for this little one. I admire your efforts to combat the adversary. Life truly feels like we need to carry a sword. Bring it on! You and Steve can do this. We're prayin' for you.
Wow Ang. You are truly amazing. I love you!!!
Thanks Angie. I needed to read this today.
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