I never realized before what a blessing a sweet little happy face could be when you are so sad. Today I lost my Grandpa Frost. What a blessing his life has been to me. Strange to think only 3 months ago he was holding Z telling me he looked just like him...because they parted their hair on the same side, both had dark hair, and tan skin. I laughed at this even though they did have all those similarities despite my grandpa coming from two white parents, his skin was amazingly bronzed.
My grandpa was the kind of man almost everyone seemed to know one way or another in Flagstaff; if not by his church service, for his horses, or service to those in jail, missionary work, help with widows and poor and pretty much anyone who needed it. It is hard to go anywhere in Flagstaff and talk to anyone for very long without hearing a story about how they know my grandpa. He has spoken at many funerals some even for the young men he served in church. He served a mission to Greece with my grandma when I was a senior in high school and during my freshman year at college. He was a friend to everyone and was always happy to see you; even if you were a stranger to him.
Once I took a friend with me to Flagstaff during Christmastime and we ended up out at his house. My friend was going through a tough time and he greeted her with a warm hug and big smile just as he did me. Later on he sung Christmas carols with her while my grandma played the piano. I have many stories like this.
I was privileged to be his very first grandchild. He now has 37 and several great-grandchildren with 5 more on the way! When I was born he was bishop of his ward, a note was passed up to him on the stand telling him of my birth which he then announced to the whole congregation. As his first, I count this as not only a blessing but a great responsibility to be all that he would expect of his grandchildren:
#1 You must always greet him with a big, "HELLO GRANDPA" and a big happy smile on your face.
#2 You must not do anything that would make his children (your parents) worry about you; staying out too late, dating someone who seems "a little wild," or not taking care of yourself.
#3 You must always look presentable when you are out of the house or when he comes to visit; "pajamas are for little kids on Christmas at noon, grown-ups get dressed and fix their hair for the day Ang."
#4 Marry the right person (this has many rules behind it....we won't go into all of them).
#5 Go to school, go to school, go to school. "Ang, I used to think college should just be for boys, but you need to go, all the girls in this family need to go."
#6 Everyone has a special gift or talent, "Ang, you have the gift to be healed, that is one of your blessings from the Lord, I believe that."
#7 "Babies love to be held and cuddled, there is nothing they love more. You will never regret the time you spend holding your baby." I just learned this lesson from him.
#8 Men need the out-of-doors, a good horse out on a ride in the cool breeze fixes most problems, a good gun on a good hunt sure does help too.
#9 People need to serve to be happy, you will never find a happy person who does not serve other people in some way, its just how happy people live. Sometimes letting others serve you brings them great happiness so just let them, they probably need it.
#10 "Always stay close to the Lord Ang and follow the prophet, you will never be sorry and always be glad you did."
He was such a great man and wonderful grandpa. I am so thankful for him tonight. I am also grateful to have my little Z; his smile makes me smile today, what would I do without that on a day like today? I thank the Lord for so many great blessings. Sometimes I can't believe He chooses me to bless so much, why me?