Here at my mom's house I finally found a picture....I've been worried I didn't have one for days. He was so happy when he found out we were getting Z. He called that Saturday after Norma had chosen us and said in his sweet raspy voice, "Ang....I here you're getting a baby. We are so happy. Tell me about him." He was so happy to learn we had decided to call him Z and told me all the stories he knew of him growing up in Kanab.
In February when we first took Zad to Flagstaff we stayed with my grandparents out at their house. Early one morning I fell asleep on the couch holding my new precious baby, when I opened my eyes he was just standing there watching us and told me he'd never seen a prettier site.
All the years spent waiting for Z he was so kind and understanding of how much we wanted a baby. It's strange to sit here after a family night spent planning his funeral. Even though we were talking about him, I wasn't used to my Uncle Mark "running the show" so to speak. He did a wonderful job taking care of planning all that needs to be done, who will do it, and giving each person a chance to voice their opinions and thoughts. But I just kept thinking, "Where's Grandpa?" Just when my mind started to think he was back taking a nap or in with all the younger grandkids did I remember. Everyone always deferred to him in our family and it was a big job lining out so many people to get a job done....Mark has a heavy burden.
It's late and its been a very long day, goodnight all. I thought of so many more stories of him tonight that I treasure...but they will have to wait for another night.