Monday, June 14, 2010

Announcing Baby Ike!

Isaac James is finally here!

We couldn't be happier!

After our brave Hannah labored intensely for 14 hours she opted for a c-section.

And....I got to go with her!!!!!

My first look at my beautiful new baby. All I could think was, "You are finally here." It feels like we have been waiting another 13 years for this little sweet boy even though it's only been six months.

Yes, that is me cutting the cord!!!
How many moms can say they cut their baby's cord? I'm such a lucky and blessed girl!
It so paid to be a nurse this last week!

Check out those lashes ladies! I'm already jealous!

We made a quick stop on our way to the nursery to see Steve and Hannah's parents. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces...which by now he has long passed! He's already at 7'10"!
He's a fantastic eater to say the least and calms so easily. He was 19 3/4 inches long. We just love him and feel like he has always been meant to be with us.

The hospital was very accommodating and even gave us our own room right next to Hannah! We were able to keep him in our room most of the time and really get to know him. What a sweet little spirit he has.
We really feel as though we have known him a long time and that he has been waiting to come be with his big brother Zadok.

We are so blessed. We love you Hannah! Thank you for your sacrifice, we will always thank Heavenly Father for you and your choice.


The Varo's said...

love the pictures! i am so grateful to hannah and her choice to place ike with you guys. it makes my heart happy to see you holding another sweet little baby. i love you angie!

Lady Bardfan said...

Congratulations!!!! Such a beautiful baby, and you are such a beautiful Mom.

Shari said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful little boy. I can't help but be grateful for birthmoms who make the decision for adoption, to give their babies a good home with two wonderful parents to love them. I know you guys make it easier for them, allowing them to be a part of that, too. Blessings to you all!

A said...

Congrats! Im so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

wonderful!!!! My heart is so happy for you! <3

The Waits said...

wonderful!!!! My heart is so happy for you! <3

Audra Owens said...

Congrats. I'm pretty sure I told you this but watching your adoption experience gives me the same sweet feeling as a sappy movie with the happy ending! Thanks again for being so awesome to your birthmothers and continuing to be that couple I could "recommend without any hesitation!" Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for your family. Adoption is so beautiful and wonderful. :) I also got to cut my daughter's cord when she was born! It was really amazing for me too! I love adoption--

Shane, Meg, CJ, RJ, and AL said...

We are so glad baby Ike is here! He is so sweet! You have all been in our prayers and thoughts and we'll continue to be mindful of Hannah and the rest of the birth family. Oh goodness, he's PRECIOUS! Can't wait to meet him in real life and see Z with him.

Jacqui said...

He is lovely! What a wonderful experience. I am so happy for you--he's precious!! My oldest daughter had me go through most of your blog to look at your beautiful family (that's related to uncle Scott!).


Lindsay said...

Hooray! I'm so glad that he's here. What a cutie. Love, love and more love!

Amy J said...

What a cutie! Congrats. Your kids are so blessed to have you and Steve as their parents. Adoption is such a beautiful blessing, it takes a strong, brave to do what's best for their child. Congrats again!

Melissa Zuber said...

So precious! Don't you just love those times! A new baby, there is nothing like it! I am so happy for you.